Monday, 2 November 2015

Assignment #1: Open the Door to Ecuador

  1. Ecuador's income comes from natural resource extraction as a source of economic growth Instead, they are seeking to create a digital- and knowledge-based economy.
  2. ICT stands for the Information Communication Technology.
  3. If Ecuador increases their connection to the internet, two possible advantages are that they will have over  their neighbors  : They would be able to bridge a digital divide. They would be able to provide rural areas with computer training and internet access.
  4. Infocentros are public places that provide internet training and inter net access to rural areas. I think we are to far beyond this because most people in New Brunswick already know how to work computers.
  5.  Yachay is an important city because it is the "hub" for technological research and scientific infrastructure,inside the city is Yachay University, which is now Ecuador's first research technology institute.
  6. I think their effort is working for them because they need to get advanced in order to get the education they wanted and also the technology. They are preparing for the future as well as current generation so they can too have a it. I think that New Brunswick should try to get internet access to people who want it. 

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