Friday 4 December 2015

Technologies in Development

  • Which one do you think is less likely to happen? I think flying cars are the less likely to happen because you wouldn't need flying cars because there are planes.
  • The one i think will have the most impacted on society is Autonomous car ( car drive by then self) it can help people that cant drive good or any one who is not able to drive.
  • Out of the six of them, which is likely to be the first technology used in automobiles?) I think the safety features 
  •  I think this technology can help keep the driver and passengers safe because it tells you if you are in to much stress to be driving.
  • My thoughts on this technology is is that flying cars look cool but i dont think people would want to use it and   I think  the benefits and the disadvantages of having an automobile that can travel by land and air are the benefits are that if you wanna get some place fast you can fly instead of driving and the disadvantages are that i think it would take up to much room on the roads.
  • I stand that i like driving i wouldn't want self driving cars yet maybe when i get older i would

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