Monday, 19 October 2015

Assignment #1 (Communication Compass)

  1. The definition of  of digital communication is Social media, texting, and portable connected devices, face book messaging too.
2.   4 digital communication advantages and 4 disadvantages are;
      (Advantages)  1. It is fast and easier. 
                          2. No paper is wasted. 
                          3. The messages can be stored in the device for longer times, without being damaged, unlike                                 paper files that easily get damages or attacked by insects. 
                          4. Digital communication can be done over large distances through internet and other things. 
      (disadvantages)  1. It is unreliable as the messages cannot be recognised by signatures. Though software can be developed for this, yet the software can be easily hacked. 
                                2. Sometimes, the quickness of digital communication is harmful as messages can be sent with the click of a mouse. The person  not think and sends the message at an impulse. 
                                3. Digital Communication has completely ignored the human touch. A personal touch cannot be established because all the computers will have the same font! 
                                4. The establishment of Digital Communication causes degradation of the environment in some cases. "Electronic waste" is an example. The vibes given out by the telephone and cell phone towers are so strong that they can kill small birds. In fact the common sparrow has vanished due to so many towers coming up as the vibrations hit them on the head. 
(got answers from yahoo)
3. The three most popular forms of digital communication today are Facebook is a big one and Texting is another and snap chat are the 3 biggest I think

4. I think maybe snap chat might not be around much longer because people can hack it really easy, maybe ask fm because people say bad stuff about other people  on it and maybe Facebook because people hack it also alot.

5. five locations or scenarios in real life where you really SHOULD NOT be communicating digitally are like when your in class in school because your not listing to the teacher , when your driving a truck or car because its dangerous  , when your at work because you wouldn't text at work because you would get fired, when your at a funeral you wouldn't text there and on a air plan because it might cause the plane to crash.

6.  If misused, all forms of digital communication can be dangerous. Cyberbullying and harassment is a serious problem in today's society. All forms of communication can be misused, whether its mean statuses on Facebook, embarrassing pictures on photo websites, everyone can be in danger. Many suicides can be linked to cyberbullying.

    7.  I think people, especially children will continue to be more connected, because technology is always advancing and will continue to do so. This is the way of of future.
I think when I person dies or cannot use digital communication anymore then their accumulated online communication data and internet activity should be left alone. Sometimes grieving family members find solace in old pictures, Facebook statues and memories of their loved ones. 

 8. When a person dies, I believe that if they have Facebook, I think that people should keep the account on because the person who died he probable got friends they would want to look at the pictures they had and the good times.

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